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Found 12 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h čeština (cs)!!FUZZY!!=== Udělejte sami: Kompilace FreeCADu === 
* [[Source code management|Správa zdrojového kódu]] 
* [[Tracker|Vyledání podpory]] máte-li problém nebo si myslíte, že jste odhalili chybu
* [[Compile_on_Windows|Kompilace na Windows]] 
* [[Compile_on_Linux|Kompilace na Unixu]] 
* [[Compile_on_MacOS|Kompilace na Mac OS X]] 
* [[License|Detaily licence]] - o licenci FreeCADu
* [[Third Party Libraries|Knihovny třetích stran]] 
* [[Third Party Tools|Nástroje třetích stran]]
* [[Start up and Configuration|Spuštění a konfigurace]] 
* [[Source documentation|Zdrojová dokumentace]]
 h Deutsch (de)* [ Github Repo]. Wenn du neu bei Git bist, lies [[Source code management/de|Quellcode-Verwaltung]]
* [[Compile_on_Docker/de|Kompilieren mit Docker]]
* [[Compile_on_Windows/de|Kompilieren auf Windows]]
* [[Compile_on_Linux/de|Komplieren auf Unix]]
* [[Compile_on_MacOS/de|Kompilieren auf Mac OS X]]
* [[License/de|Lizenzdetails]] über die FreeCAD-Lizenzen
* [[Third_Party_Libraries/de|Drittanbieter Bibliotheken]]
* [[Third_Party_Tools/de|Drittanbieter Werkzeuge]]
* [[Start_up_and_Configuration/de|Programmstart und Konfiguation]]
* [[Source_documentation/de|Quellcode Dokumentation]]
* Verwende den [[Tracker/de|Fehlerverfolger]], wenn du ein Problem hast oder glaubst, einen Fehler gefunden zu haben
 h English (en)* [ Github repo]. If you are new to git, read [[Source code management|Source code management]]
* [[Compile_on_Docker|Compile with Docker]]
* [[Compile_on_Windows|Compiling on Windows]]
* [[Compile_on_Linux|Compiling on Linux]]
* [[Compile_on_MacOS|Compiling on MacOS]]
* [[License|License details]] about the FreeCAD licences
* [[Third Party Libraries|Third Party Libraries]]
* [[Third Party Tools|Third Party Tools]]
* [[Start up and Configuration|Start up and Configuration]]
* [[Source documentation|Source documentation]]
* Use the [[Tracker|bug tracker]] when you have a problem or think you may have found a bug
 h español (es)!!FUZZY!!* [[Source code management/es|Gestión del código fuente]]
* [[Tracker/es|Encontrar asistencia]] cuando tienes un problema o crees que has encontrado un error
* [[Compile_on_Windows/es|Compilación en Windows]]
* [[Compile_on_Linux/es|Compilación en Unix]]
* [[Compile_on_MacOS/es|Compilación en OS X]]
* [[License/es|Detalles de la Licencia]] sobre las licencias de FreeCAD
* [[Third Party Libraries/es|Bibliotecas de terceros]]
* [[Third Party Tools/es|Herramientas de terceros]]
* [[Start up and Configuration/es|Inicio y configuración]]
* [[Source documentation/es|Documentación del código fuente]]
 h français (fr)* [ Dépôt Github]. Si vous êtes nouveau avec Git, lire [[Source_code_management/fr|Gestion du code source]]
* [[Compile_on_Docker/fr|Compiler avec Docker]]
* [[Compile_on_Windows/fr|Compiler sous Windows]]
* [[Compile_on_Linux/fr|Compiler sous Linux]]
* [[Compile_on_MacOS/fr|Compiler sous Mac OS]]
* [[License/fr|Détails de licence]] à propos des licences de FreeCAD
* [[Third_Party_Libraries/fr|Bibliothèques tierces]]
* [[Third_Party_Tools/fr|Outils tierces]]
* [[Start_up_and_Configuration/fr|Configuration de démarrage]]
* [[Source_documentation/fr|Documentation du code source]]
* Utilisez le [[Tracker/fr|traqueur de bogue]] lorsque vous avez un problème ou pensez avoir trouvé un bogue
 h italiano (it)* [ Github repo]. Se sei nuovo su git, leggi [[Source code management/it|Gestione del codice sorgente]]
* [[Compile_on_Docker/it|Compilazione con Docker]]
* [[Compile_on_Windows/it|Compilare in Windows]]
* [[Compile_on_Linux/it|Compilare in Linux]]
* [[Compile_on_MacOS/it|Compilare in MacOS]]
* [[License/it|Licenze]] - Dettagli sulle licenze FreeCAD
* [[Third Party Libraries/it|Librerie di terze parti]]
* [[Third Party Tools/it|Strumenti di terze parti]]
* [[Start up and Configuration/it|Avvio e configurazione]]
* [[Source documentation/it|Documentazione del codice sorgente]]
* Usare il [[Tracker/it|bug Tracker]] quando quando si ha un problema o si pensa di aver trovato un bug
 h 한국어 (ko)!!FUZZY!!=== 여러분 스스로: FreeCAD 컴파일 ===
* [[Source code management]]
* [[Tracker|Find assistance]] when you have a problem or think you may have found a bug
* [[Compile_on_Windows|Compiling on Windows]]
* [[Compile_on_Linux|Compiling on Unix]]
* [[Compile_on_MacOS|Compiling on Mac OS X]]
* [[License|License details]] about the FreeCAD licences
* [[Third Party Libraries]]
* [[Third Party Tools]]
* [[Start up and Configuration]]
* [[Source documentation]]
 h polski (pl)* [ repozytorium GitHub]. Jeśli jesteś nowy w git, przeczytaj [[Source_code_management/pl|Zarządzanie kodem źródłowym]]
* [[Compile_on_Docker/pl|kompilacja z użyciem Docker]]
* [[Compile_on_Linux/pl|kompilacja w systemie Linux]]
* [[Compile_on_MacOS/pl|Kompilacja w systemie MacOS]]
* [[Compile_on_Windows/pl|kompilacja w systemie Windows]]
* [[License/pl|Szczegóły licencji]] o licencjach programu FreeCAD.
* [[Third_Party_Libraries/pl|Biblioteki zewnętrzne]]
* [[Third_Party_Tools/pl|Narzędzia zewnętrzne]]
* [[Start_up_and_Configuration/pl|Uruchomienie i konfiguracja]]
* [[Source_documentation/pl|Dokumentacja źródłowa]]
* Użyj [[Tracker/pl|bug tracker]], gdy masz problem lub myślisz, że mogłeś znaleźć błąd
 h português do Brasil (pt-br)!!FUZZY!!* [ repositório Github]. Se você é novo no git, leia [[Source code management/pt-br|Gerenciamento de código-fonte]]
* [[Compile_on_Docker/pt-br|Compilar com Docker]]
* [[Compile_on_Windows/pt-br|Compilando no Windows]]
* [[Compile_on_Linux/pt-br|Compilando no Linux]]
* [[Compile_on_MacOS/pt-br|Compilando no MacOS]]
* [[License/pt-br|Detalhes da licença]] sobre as licenças do FreeCAD
* [[Third Party Libraries/pt-br|Bibliotecas de Terceiros]]
* [[Third Party Tools/pt-br|Ferramentas de terceiros]]
* [[Start up and Configuration/pt-br|Inicialização e Configuração]]
* [[Source documentation/pt-br|Documentação fonte]]
* Use o [[Tracker/pt-br|bug tracker]] quando você tiver um problema ou achar que pode ter encontrado um bug
 h română (ro)!!FUZZY!!=== Fă-o singur: Compilare FreeCAD ===
* [[Source code management]]
* [[Tracker|Find assistance]] când aveți o problemă sau credeți că poate ați găsit un bug
* [[Compile_on_Windows|Compiling on Windows]]
* [[Compile_on_Linux|Compiling on Unix]]
* [[Compile_on_MacOS|Compiling on Mac OS X]]
* [[License|License details]] despre licența FreeCAD 
* [[Third Party Libraries]]
* [[Third Party Tools]]
* [[Start up and Configuration]]
* [[Source documentation]]
 h русский (ru)!!FUZZY!!* [ Github репозиторий]. Если вы новичок, в git изучите [[Source code management/ru|управление исходным кодом]]
* [[Compile_on_Docker/ru|Компиляция с Docker]]
* [[Compile_on_Windows/ru|Компиляция в Windows]]
* [[Compile_on_Linux/ru|Компиляция в Linux]]
* [[Compile_on_MacOS/ru|Компиляция в MacOS]]
* [[License/ru|Детали лицензий]] про FreeCAD лицензии
* [[Third Party Libraries/ru|Сторонние Библиотеки]]
* [[Third Party Tools/ru|Сторонние Инструменты]]
* [[Start up and Configuration/ru|Запуск и Конфигурирование]]
* [[Source documentation/ru|Документирование исходников]]
* Используйте [[Tracker/ru|Систему отслеживания Багов]] когда у вас есть проблема или вы думаете, что, возможно, нашли ошибку
 h 中文(中国大陆) (zh-cn)!!FUZZY!!
*[ Github 代码库]. 如果你是git新手, 请阅读[[Source code management|Source code management]]
* [[Compile_on_Docker|用Docker编译]]
* [[Compile_on_Windows|在Windows上编译]]
* [[Compile_on_Linux|在Linux上编译]]
* [[Compile_on_MacOS|在Mac OS X上编译]]
* 关于FreeCAD的[[License/zh-cn|许可协议细节]]
* [[Third Party Libraries|第三方程序库]]
* [[Third Party Tools|第三方工具库]]
* [[Start up and Configuration|起始和配置]]
* [[Source documentation/zh-cn|源文档]]
* 当你有问题或你认为发现了一个bug的时候,请使用 [[Tracker|bug tracker]] 。